It's harvest time in our school garden!
The students are enjoying their new recess equipment at BME!
Teachers teaching, students learning, and parents supporting in Bear Country!
Broadmoor teachers are continuing
collaborative team meetings as part of our Professional Learning Community work.
Everyone is enjoying sixth grade camp. They'll sleep well tonight!!
It was a great 3 day week at BME. All the kids trying to reach their goal for Fun Fit Bears and 1st grade learning from local law enforcement about being responsible citizens.
Our Fun Fit Bear running days have begun!
Educators and support staff from across the District have been actively engaged in professional learning today!
Twin time on the playground!
Bears hard at work this morning!
You know its going to be a great day when the parachute is out in gym class!
So much fun on the K-1 playground at BME. After spending $850.00 on playground equipment, a box was still a preferred toy. Some things never change!
14 adults helping our new kindergarten students on their first day in the lunchroom. "All hands on deck!"
Happy First Day of School Broadmoor Bears!
Welcome BME Bears and parents to this year's orientation!
Shiny new classrooms, ready for our students!
Our Ice Cream Social is underway! Everyone is eager to meet meet Mr. Milliner, our new PE teacher, and see old friends.
The classroom placement letters are at the post office!
Incredible turnout for our substitute orientation - Thank you to our amazing subs!
Lot's of work goes into getting the school ready for the year!